A Weekly Cleaning Schedule That’s Quick and Easy
If you maintain a weekly house cleaning schedule, you’ll find it doesn’t take long. Your home will remain organized and clean while you do simple cleaning every day. Even if you have Seattle cleaning services weekly or bi-weekly, you can create an easy schedule that keeps your home looking great all the time. You get rid of dust, dander, and dirt quickly. It’s all about streamlining your cleaning duties. You may want to create a printable task sheet to help you.

Monday Weekly House Cleaning Schedule
Start the week off by committing to mop any floors you have in your home. This should be part of your weekly house cleaning schedule because floors are always being stepped on. Food and drink fall on them. If you have pets, you may find they’ve walked all over the floor with muddy feet. If you don’t have time to fully vacuum and mop your entire home once a week, at least do a quick job through the high traffic areas.
This includes areas such as:
Your inside entrance
Family room
Under the kitchen table
Tuesday Weekly House Cleaning Schedule
Tuesday can be a day for bathrooms. Use your plastic gloves, grab your cleaning caddy and take care of the bathrooms. This includes:
Scrubbing toilets
Cleaning bathtub/shower
Disinfecting sinks and countertops
Windex any glass and windows
Change towels
Shake out bath mats
Do an inventory on your toiletries
Wednesday Weekly House Cleaning Schedule
Take the time on Wednesday to clean all your surfaces for dust, germs, and any grime. You may want to include a quick dusting in areas where a lot of dust builds up.
Wipe down the following:
- Microwave
- Toaster
- Counters
- Tabletops
- Ceiling fans
- Doorknobs
- Outside of the Refrigerator
- Mini blinds
- Light fixtures
- Furniture
Thursday Weekly House Cleaning Schedule
On Thursdays, it’s a day of reducing clutter. Do this every week to avoid having a pile of things that become too overwhelming to deal with.
Throw out the following:
- Junk mail
- Newspapers
- Expired food
- Clothes you no longer want
Friday Weekly House Cleaning Schedule
Friday can be an ideal day to deal with laundry. Whether you have to clean, dry, fold, or put away, try doing as much as possible. For family members that throw their clothes on the floor, pick them and clean them. If you have a family that cooperates, you might let them know that Friday is the day to pick up laundry and get it ready to be cleaned.
Here are a few tasks to take on regarding your laundry:
- Focus on removing stains
- Strip the beds and launder the sheets
- Wash towels
- Fold your clean laundry and put it away
- Do any necessary ironing
- Hand wash your delicates
- Get suits and other clothes prepared for the dry cleaners